Every PR client and every PR campaign is different, but your publicist should discuss the PR process they use in detail when you schedule your PR consult. Below are a few key topics that an experienced publicist will always cover and discuss in your first PR campaign consult. Here are some top points to keep in mind when hiring a publicist.
Personalized review of your business, products, expertise, current branding, marketing, and media strategy.
New product launches, PR initiatives, business projects, expert perspectives, company expansions, partnerships, benchmarks, and milestones.
The unique challenges and strengths of your business niche and position in today's competitive market.
Discussion of your (short and long-range) PR campaign goals: Current picture and big picture business and branding goals.
Your potential publicist should also offer you insights into their professional background so that your future work with the publicist is a good fit. A good publicist will be honest about how they think they can help you achieve your goals.
An assessment of PR campaign assets, including website, visuals, social media presence, target consumer base, and much more!
What a sustainable PR budget would be if you came on as a client. In most instances, your PR campaign must have longevity to maximize your PR results. You don't want to spend your entire budget on just one month of PR. In most instances, a boutique PR firm will offer more sustainable pricing models for small business success.
Are you ready for your PR consult? Feel free to send me a message.
Kelila Shapiro